
Focus on efficiency, performance and sustainability

Globally, there is an increasing focus on sustainability. And our commitment in sustainability is also growing in many aspects. One example of this is that GESIPA® optimized its blind rivet tool, thereby considerably reducing the consumption of compressed air. This modification benefits customers in several ways, including cost savings and a more stable compressed air network.

Added value

  • Optimization results in a reduction in energy consumption – for sustainable business
  • Cost savings thanks to lowered consumption of compressed air
  • Optimized energy requirements lead to fewer fluctuations in the customer network and, in turn, a more stable network performance
  • Successful collaboration internally leads to successful solutions for customers

GESIPA®’s fully-automated blind rivet tools (GAV) are mainly used in the production of industrial applications. They are specially designed for use in large-scale production. The fact that GAV can be individually configured enables them to be run manually or installed in robot applications. The company’s portfolio covers a very broad processing spectrum.

The efficient devices function with compressed air, which is essential in many industrial applications in order to deliver the required performance. However, only around 15% of the energy used is actually available as compressed air, while the remaining 85% of the energy is usually lost. This energy loss leads to high operating costs, which include infrastructure provision and maintenance, as well as electricity costs.

The goal: to process blind rivets more efficiently and optimize energy use
GESIPA®, a brand of the SFS Group, therefore looked for ways to optimize energy use in order to lose less energy. The proven and reliable GAV, which are used worldwide in many industrial firms, were thoroughly tested. Working with various departments from Germany and Switzerland, we spent two years analyzing systems, gathering ideas, and conducting extensive testing.


The result: inventing success together
Thanks to extensive system modifications and the optimized set-up that resulted from them, GESIPA® was able to reduce energy consumption by up to 24% – a remarkable amount. Apart from reducing the consumption of compressed air, the SFS team also managed to improve the performance of the blind rivet tools.

The modifications undertaken resulted in a much stronger vacuum being generated to dispose of the leftover mandrels, which among other things has enabled the length of the tube package to be extended from 5 meters to up to 8 meters. This, in turn, gives customers a significantly higher range and flexibility in the workspace.

The improvements with regard to setting blind rivets benefit them in numerous ways, in particular a reduction in energy consumption of up to 24%. Not only does this support our sustainability efforts, it also enables customers to make considerable cost savings, as compressed air is one of the most cost-intensive forms of energy. Moreover, fewer fluctuations occur in the compressed air network, which leads to more stable network performance. In addition, the extension of the tube package offers GESIPA® customers more flexibility in terms of space.

We strive for continuous further development
The SFS Group supports the continuous improvement of their own products and solutions. By focusing on our customers and their processes, we strive to create added value for them. The commitment to sustainability is also a key component of SFS’s strategy. It wants not just to constantly make its solutions more innovative, but also more energy-efficient and resource-conserving in order to protect the environment and offer its customers sustainable solutions.

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